Mobile Billboard Advertising
Advertising on mobile billboards takes up more and more advertising space in the modern world. And this should not be surprising, because advertising on mobile billboards has significant advantages compared to alternative advertising tools, namely:
The mobility of digital mobile billboards advertising company's allows this advertising tool to plan the logistics of its placement in such a way as to be exactly where it is most profitable to place it in each specific period of advertising time for effective time planning features.

Flexible Content
- Advertising on mobile billboards advertising also may change the content, which this tool demonstrates to potential customers and that means that it tends to advertise exactly what is most appropriate at a given period of time advertise exactly to that audience and in specifically planned area.
These properties allow advertising on mobile billboards to maximize the conversion rate, that is, the main indicator of the effectiveness of any advertising company. However, advertising on mobile billboards has one serious drawback compared to alternative methods, namely, the significantly higher cost of creating advertising material, which is used in advertising companies of this type. Creating an advertising video shown on mobile billboards requires the involvement of video production specialists and video editing professionals, and the cost of the services of these contractors is often much higher than the cost of the advertising company itself on mobile billboards.
In this regard, the advertising agency “AdsWithMe“, together with its partner, “Mestikon Digital Agency“, offers its clients to become a participant in a wonderful promotion, according to the rules of which, for each client who ordered an advertising company on mobile billboards in our agency, absolutely free a promotional video of the highest quality will be created, which, with the consent of the client, will be shown from the screens of our trucks in the location you specified in New York or of America.
AdsWithMe advertising agency – our advertising brings success to customers…