It’s a pilot program rolling out across 11 states, with ads on up to 17,000 USPS freight trucks (the big 18-wheelers, not your local mail van). Advertisers will be dishing out $500-600 per month.
Selecting advertisers is a big issue the USPS will have to manage, since it’s a quasi-government agency. Who’s going for it so far? A bunch of state safety agencies are buying up space (they’re running ads about drunk driving, seatbelt safety and other public service messages). It has already turned away ads from political candidates and medical marijuana, reports AdAge.
This could be a real revenue source if it works out. The USPS boasts the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world, at 215,625. Though that number is likely to decline significantly as cuts are made, that’s a whole lot of potential, especially if they start selling space on the vans.
It’s going to take a lot more than this to save it, but at least there’s some visible movement going on.